
Our innovative and unique approach provides all users; launch vehicle companies, satellite manufacturers, and end-user service providers, with access to diverse launch locations, enhancing orbit options.

Modernising Space Launch Services

Using a seaborne space launch facility for maximum flexibility and cost control, with operations and systems in a secure supply chain involving international partners.

We handle integration and verification of user launch vehicles and customer payloads prior to campaigns, utilizing land-based preparation and existing dockside infrastructure.

Our localised range and international service agreements will ensure secure tracking and data relay from anywhere, enabling agile and rapid deployment of a flexible, reliable orbital delivery service.


Launches per year


Launches are Commercial


Global Market by 2030


New Launch Vehicles by 2030


Small Sats to be Launch

Only 11

Global Commercial Pads

Supporting Current & Future Markets

  • Telecoms/EO/Data Relay​
  • Solar Power from Space​
  • Debris Inspection & Removal​
  • In Orbit Manufacturing & Servicing​
  • Commercial Orbiting Stations​
  • Traffic Management
  • Orbit Security
  • Spaceguard
  • Flight Safety

Low Operational Risk

No hazardous operations performed in populated areas​

No overflight of populations, property and critical infrastructure, low risk​

Ultra-low noise, light and resources pollution (land, water, air)​

Assessed for safety and environmental impact in launch licensing process

Activities deemed ‘hazardous’ (transfer of fluids or application of pressures) are performed remotely, with controlled oversight ​

Benefits to Space Economies

Strategic partner supporting critical national space security challenges

Integrating proven concepts with expertise from performance technologies​

Agile, Flexible, Secure. Meeting the Expanding Market​

Sustainable processes and ‘clean-space’ strategies from the outset​

Adopt standards of European and US sectors to enhance flight safety​

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